The First Step to Housing Stability: Eat

(As seen in the Westport Lifestyle Magazine)

Open Doors is a housing and homeless services organization based in Norwalk that provides resources for individuals and families on the path to housing stability.

Core to their model, Open Doors recognizes that the best way to end homelessness is to stop it before it happens. The prevention programs assist area residents as they gain sustainable housing and find financial stability and success. 

At the most fundamental level, tackling food insecurity is the base on which all other services sit. 

In order for clients to find their path in life, Open Doors knows basic human needs must be taken care of first. The first step in building this foundation? Ensuring everyone has a healthy meal on their table.   

“We aren’t fixing anyone here,” says Open Door’s Executive Director Michele Conderino. “[Our clients] have strength, they just have a lot of barriers in the way and it’s our job to plow the road so they can walk that road alone.”

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